RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024 PDF Download

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024: हम आपको RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024 और Exam Pattern के बारे में बताने वाले हैं।

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024 Key Points

भर्ती का नामराजस्थान संस्कृत डिपार्टमेंट पीटीआई भर्ती 2024
संस्थान का नामराजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग (RPSC)
पद का नामपीटीआई
नकारात्मक अंकहोगी
चयन प्रक्रियालिखित परीक्षा, साक्षात्कार, दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन और मेडिकल एग्जाम
आधिकारिक वेबसाइटrpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Exam Pattern 2024

दोस्तों नीचे RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Exam Pattern 2024 बताया हैं।

  • Stage:- 1 लिखित परीक्षा
  • Stage:- 2 साक्षात्कार
  • Stage:- 3 दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन
  • Stage:- 4 मेडिकल एग्जाम

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus 2024

Written Exam (लिखित परीक्षा)

  • वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार का पेपर
  • अधिकतम अंक: 75
  • प्रश्नों की संख्या: 150
  • पेपर की अवधि: 3 घंटे
  • सभी प्रश्नों पर समान अंक हैं।
  • नेगेटिव मार्किंग होगी।
  • प्रतियोगी परीक्षा का माध्यम: अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में द्विभाषी।
प्रश्न पत्रविषयअंकसमय
1Subject concerned with the post753 घण्टे
2Subject concerned with the post753 घण्टे
3General Studies of Rajasthan502 घण्टे

(i) साक्षात्कार 24 अंक का होगा।
(ii) रिक्तियों की कुल संख्या (श्रेणीवार) के तीन गुना की सीमा तक, आयोग द्वारा निर्धारित लिखित परीक्षा में न्यूनतम योग्यता अंक प्राप्त करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को साक्षात्कार के लिए बुलाया जाएगा।

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024

अप हम आपको RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI 2024 की परीक्षा में होने वाले पेपर का RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024 के बारे में बतायेगे। यदि आपको हमारे बताये गये RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus 2024 में कोई त्रुटि लगती है, तो आप RSMSSB की वेबसाइट पर जा कर RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus देख सकते हैं।

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus in Hindi 2024

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus 2024 – Paper 1st

Unit – I:

  • Physical education and adapted physical education, their objectives, and philosophies of education as applied to physical education.
  • Development of Physical education in Greece, Rome, Sweden, Russia, England, Denmark, Germany, USA, Australia, and China.
  • Growth and development of physical education in India.
  • Recreation- its principles, characteristics, and importance. Modern trends in recreation. Indoor and outdoor recreational programs. Recreational programs for various categories of people.
  • Wellness- its importance, benefits, and challenges. Development and maintenance of wellness.
  • Teaching Aptitude – nature, objectives, characteristics of teaching, learner characteristics, and teaching methods.
  • Social aspects of sports- sports as a socializing agency, social values, sports leadership, sports as cultural heritage, and social aspects of competition.
  • Ancient & Modern Olympics games, Asian, Commonwealth games and Paralympics.
  • Yoga: Asanas, Pranayams, Kriyas & Mudras.
  • General Knowledge of Sports and its Current Affairs: Athletics, Basketball, Badminton, Cricket, Soccer, Gymnastics, Handball, Hockey, Judo, Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Tennis, Swimming, Table-Tennis, Volleyball, Wrestling, Weightlifting, Boxing.
  • Structure and functions of international and national bodies controlling various games and sports. Prominent honors and awards in games and sports.

Unit – II:

  • Health- its objectives and spectrum. Health education, its importance, and principles. Role of genetics and environment in achieving health. Health-related physical fitness.
  • Community health program- Health appraisal & health instructions. International and national health promoting government & private agencies. School Health program and personal hygiene.
  • Communicable diseases: causes, symptoms, prevention through other means, and Immunization.
  • Psychosomatic disorders/ sedentary lifestyle diseases: causes, symptoms, and prevention. Obesity-related health problems. Body weight control and its significance on health. Role of exercise and diet on weight control.
  • First-aid- objectives and principles. First-aid for Shock, poisoning, burns, drowning, bleeding, electric shock and common sports injuries.
  • Pollution- Air, water, sound, and radiation. Effects of pollution on health, Preventive and safety measures from pollution.
  • Nutrition- Balanced diet and its components. Nutritional Deficiencies. Understanding of malnutrition and nutritional supplements.
  • Effects of smoking, alcohol & drugs on health; prevention and rehabilitation. Role of WADA & NADA.

Unit – III:

  • Test, measurement and evaluation- their types and importance in physical education and sports. Principles and processes of evaluation in physical education. Criteria of selecting an appropriate test and administration of testing programme.
  • Types of tests and construction of standard knowledge and skill tests. Tests for fitness- Physical fitness, motor fitness, motor ability and motor educability. Health related fitness tests. Test for fitness components- strength, endurance, speed, flexibility and coordinative abilities. Sports skill tests- Badminton, Basketball, Soccer, Hockey, Tennis, Volleyball and Cricket.
  • Anthropometric Measurements- land marks and measurement of various body segments, height, sitting-height, weight, diameters, circumferences, skinfolds, body mass index, ponderal index. Somatotype and Posture evaluating techniques. Testing of physiological phenomenons- Blood pressure, breathing frequency, vital capacity, heart rate, pulse rate, body temperature and body composition.
  • Tests for psychological variables- Anxiety, aggression, team cohesion, achievement motivation, mental-toughness, and self-efficacy.

Unit – IV:

  • Sports training- its characteristics and principles. Training load, its features, principles and adaptation process. Means and methods of executing training load. Overload, its Causes, symptoms and remedial measures.
  • Motor Components: Strength, Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, Coordinative abilities, their characteristics, types, factor determining and development.
  • Technique and skill- its characteristics and importance. Different stages of technique development and technique training. Tactics and strategy.
  • Planning- its importance and principles. Types of planning.
  • Periodization- its importance, objectives and types of periodization. Concept of different periods Preparatory, competition and transitional. Types of Competition.
  • Talent identification- process and procedure.

Unit – V:

  • Development of teacher education for physical education in India. Comparative study of professional preparation in physical education of India with those of USA, Russia, Germany, Australia and UK.
  • Professional and other courses of physical education in India. Role of Government agencies monitoring professional courses in physical education.
  • Qualities, qualifications and responsibilities of physical education personnel at primary, secondary and higher education levels. Scope of physical education personnel in the promotion of health, fitness and wellness.
  • Recent Government policies, New Schemes & Initiatives taken recently for promoting physical education and sports in India with special reference to Rajasthan.
  • Hierarchy of organizational set-up in physical education at schools, colleges and university level. Role of public & private sectors in the promotion of physical education and sports in the country.
  • Curriculum development- Concepts and principles of curriculum planning. Subject matter for different levels of education – primary, secondary and higher education. Curriculum design and content importance, selection and classification of subject matter with reference to age, sex and differently abled pupils. Integrated programme for boys and girls. Curriculum evaluation: Concepts and purpose; procedure and appraisal.
  • Teaching aids -Instructional Design, Time-table, Concepts, credit system for various subject courses- theory and practical, Impact of technology in physical education and sports.

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus – Paper 2nd

Unit – I:

  • Research in physical education- its importance and classification. Ethical issues in research. Methods of research- Descriptive, historical, and experimental. Experimental research designs.
  • Identification and formulation of research problem. Types of research hypotheses and their formulation. Hypotheses testing.
  • Tools of research- Questionnaires, opinionnaires, interviews, and observation. Sources and steps of literature search- library, research data bases, internet- search engines, online journals. Note-taking and critical reading.
  • Sampling Techniques- Probability and non-probability. Data its types and collecting measures. Normal probability curve and grading scales.
  • Statistical processes, their importance, and uses in research. Application of parametric and non-parametric statistical techniques in research.
  • Computer applications- statistical packages for data analyses- SPSS, e-mail, search engines, and Microsoft Office.
  • Preparation of research proposal, report, abstract, paper for publication, and paper for presentation.

Unit – II:

  • Exercise physiology its scope and importance in the field of physical education and sports.
  • Cardio respiratory adaptations to long and short term physical activities.
  • Muscle- its types, characteristics and functions. Microscopic structure of muscle fibre. Sliding filament theory of muscular contraction. Types of muscle fibres and sports performance. Muscular adaptations to exercise.
  • Neuro-muscular junction and transmission of nerve impulse, kinesthetic Sense organs and neural control of motor skills.
  • Bio-chemical aspects of exercise Metabolism of food products. Aerobic and anaerobic systems during rest and exercise. Direct and indirect methods of measuring energy cost of exercise.
  • Recovery process – Physiological aspects of fatigue. Restoration of energy stores. Recovery oxygen. Nutritional aspects of performance.
  • Environmental influence on human physiology under exercise.
  • Women in sports- trainability. Physiological gender differences and special problems of women athletes.
  • Aging – Physiological consequences, life style management and healthful aging. Physiological responses of various therapeutic modalities and rehabilitation. Physiological aspects of various Ergogenic aids. Massage manipulations and their physiological responses.
  • Effects of Exercise on various systems.

Unit – III:

  • Kinesiology and biomechanics. Modern trends in biomechanics. Planes and Axes of human body. Joints and their movements.
  • Muscle attachments Origin, insertion, action and leverage of the principal muscles used in sports.
  • Motion: its laws and their application in sports. Projectile and principles of projections, Force, Equilibrium & Stability.
  • Linear and angular kinematics and kinetics. Friction, Spin, impact and elasticity. Air and water dynamics.
  • Mechanical advantage and applications of Levers in sports. Posture and its deformities with their corrective exercises.
  • Kinesiological, Muscular and mechanical analyses of fundamental movements: Mechanical analyses of major sports skills.

Unit – IV:

  • Sports psychology- its importance in the field of physical education and sports. Motivation in sports- types, theories, and dynamics.
  • Psychological factors affecting sports performance- Emotions, Anxiety, aggression, stress, self-confidence, concentration, mental practice, and goal setting.
  • Personality – Theories of personality, measurement of personality.
  • Group dynamics, Group cohesion and leadership in sports.
  • Cognitive process – memory and thinking. Principles of Motor Skill Learning. Transfer of training and its types with its implication in sports.
  • Long and short term psychological preparation for performance/ competition. Psychological skill training for activation and relaxation.
  • Spectators and sports performance. Gender inequalities in Sports.


  • Management- its principles and theories. Scope of management in physical education and sports. Guiding principles for organizing physical education & sports programmes in institutions, International, National & State Organization, Sports Association/Federations, Conduct of Competition/ Tournaments.
  • Personnel management- objectives and principles. Self-appraisal, communication skills and time management. Essential skills of administration.
  • Financial management- objectives, purposes, principles and scope. Planning and preparation of budget. Mechanics of purchase and auditing.
  • Supervision objectives, principles and importance of supervision. Techniques ofsupervision. Duties and responsibilities of a supervisor.
  • Facility management- planning, procuring and maintenance of facilities- indoor and outdoor facilities. Planning and management of sports infrastructure. Management of records.
  • Role of sports manager- interpersonal, informational and decision making. Managerial skills technical, human and conceptual. Qualities and qualification of sports manager/Director.
  • Event management- its principles, planning, check list, rehearsal, itinerary, execution, reporting and follow-up procedures of an event.
  • Public relation- principles of public relations in physical education and sports. Mass Media- communication and publicity, qualifications of Public relation officer.
  • Sports Technology: Sports Materials, Playfields, equipments & gadget.

RPSC Librarian Syllabus 2024 – General Studies of Rajasthan

History, Art, Culture, Literature, and Heritage of Rajasthan

  • Major dynasties of Rajasthan and its rulers through the Ages and their cultural achievements (1000-1800 A.D.).
  • Role of dynasties of Rajasthan in Promotion and Preservation of Sanskrit Education and Literature.
  • Political resistance of Rajput rulers against Muslim Power. Special reference to Rattan Singh, Hammir, Kanhad dev and Maldev, Chandrasen, and Pratap.
  • (i) Bhakti Movement and Sufism in Medieval Rajasthan, Special reference to Mira, Dadu, and Khawaja Moin-ud-din Chishty. Saints: Special emphasis to be paid to teachings of Ramdevji, Gogaji, Tejaji, Pabuji, Mallinath, Dhanna, Pipa, Haridas, Raidas, Jasnath, and other Sects. (ii) Folk gods and goddesses.
  • Political Awakening and Freedom Movement in Rajasthan:1857, Peasant and Tribal Movements, Prajamandal Movements, Contribution of Women in Social and Political Awakening.
  • (i)Folk Culture: Fairs and Festivals, Different Schools of Painting, Folk Tales and Gathas, Folk Songs, Folk Dances, Folk Music and Instruments. (ii) Dress and Ornaments, Handicrafts
  • Rajasthani Language: Origin and Development.
  • Main Dialects and Region.
  • Rajasthani Scripts: Mudia and Devnagari.
  • Famous Writers and their Works.
  • Steps taken for Promotion of Sanskrit language & Education in Rajasthan
    • Sanskrit Academic Institution in Rajasthan
    • Tradition of Sanskrit Panditya- Parampara
    • Sanskrit Granthagar
    • Sanskrit Manuscript Museum.
  • Famous Sanskrit poets, Scholars & their works.
  • Tourism and Rajasthan: Heritage, Tourism Policy and Vision.

Geography of Rajasthan

  • Physiographic regions, Rivers and lakes.
  • Climate, Natural Vegetation, Soil, Minerals and Energy Resources – Renewable and Non-renewable
  • Population-Characteristics, Livestock, Biodiversity and its conservation.
  • Production and Distribution of Major crops, Major Irrigation Projects, Major Industries.
  • Drought and Famines, Desertification, Environmental Problems, Disaster Management and Pandemics.

Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan

  • Governor, Chief Minister, and Council of Ministers.
  • State Legislative Assembly, High Court, and Judicial System of Rajasthan.
  • Rajasthan Public Service Commission, State Election Commission, State Finance Commission, State Human Rights Commission, State Commission for Women, State Information Commission, Lokayukta and Auditor General.
  • Chief Secretary, Government Secretariat, Chief Minister’s Office (CMO), Divisional Commissioner, District Administration, Institutions of Panchayati Raj and Urban Local- Self Government.
  • Government Policies and Right-based Citizenship: Right to Information, Guaranteed Delivery of Public Services, Citizen’s Charters, Social Audit, Jan Soochna Portal, Rajasthan Sampark Portal, etc.

Economy of Rajasthan

  • Characteristics of state economy.
  • Occupational distribution.
  • Compositional trend of state domestic product.
  • Major Sectoral Issues.
    • (i)Agricultural Sector: Characteristics of agricultural sector in Rajasthan. Major rabi and kharif crops with special reference to oil seeds and spices. Irrigated area and trends, Problems of migrant workers and their rehabilitation. Agricultural credit.
    • (ii) Livestock: Trends in livestock population. Milk production in Rajasthan.
    • (iii) Industrial Outlook: Major industries of Rajasthan. Constraints to development of industries. MSMEs in Rajasthan. Roles and problems of small industries. Industrial sickness. Major state public sector enterprises. SEZ in Rajasthan. Role of RIICO and RFC. Agro-processing policy(2020).
    • (iv) Service Sector: Primary education, Development in recent years. Health programmes of state government. Mid-day meal program. Indira Rasoi Yojana.
    • (v) Infrastructure Development: Progress in national highways, state highways and village roads. Power: Progress in power generation. Recent progress in solar power projects.
    • (vi) Handicrafts of Rajasthan.
    • (vii) Major items of exports from Rajasthan.
    • (viii) Latest major welfare schemes of state government with special reference to economically and socially backward classes, disabled people, and old-aged people. Steps taken for women empowerment and child development.
    • (ix) Regional economic inequalities in Rajasthan.

Contemporary Events

  • Major Contemporary Events and Issues of Rajasthan.
  • Persons and Places in News.
  • Sports and Games.

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus 2024 PDF Download

Paper 1st SyllabusPaper 2nd Syllabus
General Studies of Rajasthan Syllabus

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!!..आपको सफलता मिले..!!

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