RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024 PDF Download

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024: हम आपको RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024 और Exam Pattern के बारे में बताने वाले हैं।

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RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024 Key Points

भर्ती का नामराजस्थान संस्कृत डिपार्टमेंट लाइब्रेरियन भर्ती 2024
संस्थान का नामराजस्थान लोक सेवा आयोग (RPSC)
पद का नामलाइब्रेरियन
नकारात्मक अंकहोगी
चयन प्रक्रियालिखित परीक्षा, साक्षात्कार, दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन और मेडिकल एग्जाम
आधिकारिक वेबसाइटrpsc.rajasthan.gov.in

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Exam Pattern 2024

दोस्तों नीचे RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Exam Pattern 2024 बताया हैं।

  • Stage:- 1 लिखित परीक्षा
  • Stage:- 2 साक्षात्कार
  • Stage:- 3 दस्तावेज़ सत्यापन
  • Stage:- 4 मेडिकल एग्जाम

RPSC Sanskrit Department PTI Syllabus 2024

Written Exam (लिखित परीक्षा)

  • वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रकार का पेपर
  • अधिकतम अंक: 75
  • प्रश्नों की संख्या: 150
  • पेपर की अवधि: 3 घंटे
  • सभी प्रश्नों पर समान अंक हैं।
  • नेगेटिव मार्किंग होगी।
  • प्रतियोगी परीक्षा का माध्यम: अंग्रेजी और हिंदी में द्विभाषी।
प्रश्न पत्रविषयअंकसमय
1Subject concerned with the post753 घण्टे
2Subject concerned with the post753 घण्टे
3General Studies of Rajasthan502 घण्टे

(i) साक्षात्कार 24 अंक का होगा।
(ii) रिक्तियों की कुल संख्या (श्रेणीवार) के तीन गुना की सीमा तक, आयोग द्वारा निर्धारित लिखित परीक्षा में न्यूनतम योग्यता अंक प्राप्त करने वाले उम्मीदवारों को साक्षात्कार के लिए बुलाया जाएगा।

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024

अप हम आपको RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian 2024 की परीक्षा में होने वाले पेपर का RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024 के बारे में बतायेगे। यदि आपको हमारे बताये गये RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus 2024 में कोई त्रुटि लगती है, तो आप RSMSSB की वेबसाइट पर जा कर RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus देख सकते हैं।

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus in Hindi 2024

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus 2024 – Paper 1st

Unit – I:

  • Knowledge: Definition, Growth, Types and Value. Information: Types, Characteristics, Nature and use. Conceptual difference between Data Information and Knowledge. Capturing tacit knowledge methods. Knowledge codification tools and procedures. Knowledge Mapping; Knowledge testing; Knowledge transfer. Reflection: Comprehend the tasks associated with knowledge management.
  • Knowledge Management System and Tools: Knowledge management tools, Data mining. Managing knowledge workers.
  • Knowledge Management Portals: Knowledge Management in Library and Information Centers. Knowledge creation and knowledge architecture – Nonaka’s model, K.M. Systems.
  • Information Society: Genesis, Characteristics and Social and economic applications. Information Literacy: Concept, types and Models. Information as a Resource commodity. Information Transfer Cycle – Generation, Collection, Storage and Dissemination. Communication Channels, Models, and Barriers. Intellectual Property Rights, and Intellectual Property Protection (IPP), WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization), Copyright, Censorship Print, and non Print Media. Library and Information Policy at National Level. Right to Information Act. Information Technology Act.

Unit – II:

  • Types of Libraries – National, Public, Academic and Special: Development, Objectives, Structure and Functions. Digital Libraries- Concept.
  • Virtual Libraries- Concept. Types of users, Users studies, User education. Role of UGC in the growth and development of libraries and information centres in institutions of higher education in India. Role of Raja Rammohan Roy Library Foundation (RRRLF). National Knowledge Commission. National Mission on Libraries.
  • Laws of Library Science. Library Resource Sharing and Networking, Library Movement and Library Legislation in India, Library Extension Services, Library and Information Science Education in India, Library and Information Profession, Library Associations in India, U.K. and U.S.A.- ILA, IASLIC, IATLIS, SIS, LA, ASLIB, CILIP, SLA and ALA. Library Associations and Organizations at International Level – FID, IFLA and UNESCO.
  • Business Information Institutions and Networks: Information Networks: overview of Business Information Networks. Institutional: National and International studies related to the activities of: NIDCS, IIFT, ITPO, CII, FICCI, UNIDO, UNCTAD.

Unit – III:

  • Organization of Knowledge/Information, Modes of formation of subjects, Normative Principles of Ranganathan. Library Classification- Canons and Principles, Library Classification Schemes- DDC, UDC and CC. Role of CRG (London), DRTC (Bangalore) in development of classification.
  • Library Cataloguing – Canons and Principles, Library Catalogue Codes CCC and AACR-II.
  • Bibliographic Records – International Standards- ISBDS, MARC and CCF.
  • Indexing and Abstracting Derived Indexing: Pre-Coordinate and Post Coordinate indexing. Chain Indexing, PRECIS, POPSI. Keyword Indexing: KWIC, KWAC, KWOC. Concept of Automatic Indexing, Vocabulary Control – Thesaurus, Lists of Subject Headings.
  • Metadata Standards: DUBLINCORE, MARC 21. Standards for Bibliographic Information Interchange & Communication: Z39.50. Standards for Bibliographic Record Formats and Description: ISBD, CCF, RDA, FRBR.
  • Standardization Institutions: ISO, BIS, ANSI, W3C, IFLA, LOC, ALA. Evaluation of Information Storage and Retrieval System. Knowledge based systems: Web of Science, Scopus, Sci-finder. Major abstracting and indexing databases in Science and Technology. Open Access Resources like arXiv, ChemXseer, PubMed.

Unit – IV:

  • Management – Principles, Functions, Schools of Thought- Classical, Neo-classical and Modern management theories. Principles of Scientific Management. Fayol’s Principles. Functions of Management (POSDCORB), Planning, Organization Structure, Decision making, System Study Analysis, Evaluation and Design.
  • Collection Development – Books, Serials, Non-book Materials- Selection, Acquisition, Maintenance, ISBN, ISSN, Cataloguing-in-Publication (CIP). Human Resources Management Manpower Planning, Job analysis, Job description, Selection, Recruitment, Motivation, Training and Development. Staff Manual, Leadership and Performance Evaluation, Delegation of Authority. Financial Management- Resource Generation, Types of Budgeting, Cost and Cost-Benefit Analysis. PERT, CPM, SWOT. Library Buildings and Equipment, Performance Evaluation of Libraries/Information Centers and Services, Total Quality Management (TQM). Annual Reports & Statistics; Library Authority and Committee. Green Library Building; Information Commons; Makerspace; Security and Safety. Management Information System (MIS), MBO, Change Management, Disaster Management, Crisis Management.
  • Planning, Management and Marketing of an Information Analysis & Consolidation: Planning and Management of Information Analysis and Consolidation Units. Marketing of Library Products and Services- Plan, Research, Strategies, mix segmentation, pricing, and advertising; management consultancy. Library Restoration and Standards. Hazards to Library Materials and Control Measures: Environmental Factors, Biological Factors, Chemical Factors. Disaster Management.

Unit – V:

  • Research – Concept, Purpose, Functions, Scope and Ethics, Types of Research Basic and Applied, Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary.
  • Research Methods – Historical, Descriptive, Experimental, and Delphi.
  • Research Design – Selection of Research Problem, Review of Literature; Formulation of Research Problem; Hypothesis Formulation, Types and Testing; Sampling Techniques.
  • Methods of Data Collection – Questionnaire, Interview, Observation, Library Records, Scales and Checklist.
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation – Presentation of Data; Statistical Methods/Techniques.
  • Statistical Packages – Spreadsheet, SPSS, Bibexcel, ‘R’ Statistics.
  • Research Report Writing and Citation Tools; Structure, Style, Contents, Guidelines; Style Manuals; Online Citation Tools; Reference Style Management Tools; Anti- Plagiarism Tools; Evaluation of Research Report.
  • Metric Studies in LIS– Bibliometrics, Scientmetric, Webometrics, Altimetric.
  • Impact Factors – Journal, Institutional and Authors; h-Index, g-Index, i10 Index. Trends in Library and Information Science Research.

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus – Paper 2nd

Unit – I:

  • Sources, Services and Access of Information – Types, Evaluation and Use. Reference Sources and Web Resources – Encyclopedias. Dictionaries, Geographical Sources. Biographical Sources. Year-books/Almanacs, Directories and Handbooks. Statistical Sources Features and evaluations. Bibliographical Sources-Bibliographies, Indexing and Abstracting Journals (Salient features and evaluation). E-documents, E-books, E-Journals. Databases Bibliographic, Numeric and Full text- Evaluation, Subject Gateways/Portals, Databases, Bulletin Boards, Discussion Groups/Forums.
  • Reference Services – Concept, Definition, Kinds and Trends, Reference service v/s Information service. Bibliographic Service, Indexing and Abstracting Service, CAS, SDI Service, Referral, and Document delivery service. Translation Services, Reprographic Services. Online Service: Information products, Nature, types, and marketing.
  • Online Search Services and Technologies – Search Engines and Meta Search Engines. Internet Search Techniques. IOT (Internet of Things). Introduction to Web Servers: Apache Server and Internet Information Server.

Unit – II:

  • Current Trends and Organization of the Web Resources – Web Dewey and UDC online (Brief Description). Brief Introduction of OCLC Classify, Folksonomy: Basic concept, Tagging and Social Bookmarking. Semantic Web: Concept, need, purpose, and advantages. Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS), Taxonomies and Ontologies.
  • E-Resources: Collection Development – Types of E-Resources: E-books, E-journals, Databases, Electronic Theses & Dissertations, etc., Collection Building Process – Electronic Resource Development Policy; Budgeting, Pricing, Licensing, Ordering and Receiving, Evaluation of e-Resources; Archiving and Preservation of E-Resources.
  • E-Resources: Negotiations, Licensing, and Access- Model Licenses and Guidelines for Collection Building; Negotiations; Copyright in the Digital Environment/Digital Rights Management (DRM) and User Training; Delivery of E-Resources & Access Management and Authentication; Off-campus and Integrated Access.
  • E-Resources: Consortia – Growth and Development of Consortia; Collection Building of e-Resources through Consortia; Consortia: e-Shodh Sindhu, CeRA, NKRC, OCLC.
  • E-Resources: Usage – Usage Statistics, e-Resource Usage Analysis; Standards and Guidelines (COUNTER); Processing, Analysis, and Presentation of Data; Discovery-based Services; Usage Enhancement Measures.

Unit – III:

  • Information Technology – Components, Impact of IT on Society. Computers- Hardware, Software. Storage Devices. Input/Output Devices, Telecommunication- Transmission media, Switching systems, Bandwidth. Multiplexing, Modulation, Protocols, Wireless Communication, Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN), Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), Topologies, Types of Networks. Internet Web browsers, WWW. Internet Protocols and Standards HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SMTP, TCP/IP, URI, URL. Hypertext, Hypermedia, Multimedia, Video conferencing, Web Page Designing, Barcoding, Cloud Computing, Virtual Reality, Augmented Technologies.
  • Standards for Library Automation. Barcode, RFID, NFC (Near Field Communication), QR Code, Biometric, Smartcard: Features and Applications.

Unit – IV:

  • Library Automation – Areas of automation, Planning, Hardware and Software Selection, OPAC. Networks-ERNET, NICNET, DELNET, JANET, BLAISE, OCLC, INFLIBNET, INTERNET- Components, Services, Browsing-Web Browsers, Netscape, Navigator and Internet Explorer, Search Engines, meta-data, Digital Object Identifier (DOI). National and International Information Systems-NISSAT, NASSDOC, NISCAIR, DESIDOC, INIS, AGRIS, MEDLARS, INSPEC. Institutional Repositories- Dspace, Eprints, Greenstone, etc. Open-source library Management Softwares KOHA and others and RDBMS and DBMS with XAMO (Apache, MySQL, PhP).
  • Digital Preservation (DP) – Introduction, Dilemmas, and critical challenges. Fundamentals Concepts, terminology, standards, systems, Integrity, stability, and authenticity, Digital preservation frameworks, Understanding the digital object, Strategies for digital preservation, and Preservation planning.


  • Research Data Management – Types of data and sources. Storing, Curation and Preservation of Research Data: Documentation and Metadata. Data Management Plan and related tools. FAIR Principles. Data Privacy and Ethics.
  • Research Data Management Services – Concept of Research Data Management Services, Need and Benefits. Data repositories. Starting Research Data Management Services. Planning and organizing the RDM services. Promoting the RDM services. Evaluating and refining the RDM services.
  • Web Technology and Web-Based Services – Web 2.0 and 3.0 Library 2.0- Concept, Characteristics, Components; Instant Messaging, RSS Feeds, Podcasts, Vodcasts, etc.
  • Web – Scale Discovery Services. Mobile-based Library Services and Tools Library Apps, Mobile Library Instructions, SMS Alerts, Geo-Location, and Reference Enquiry.
  • Social Web Networks and Content Management Systems. Collaborative services- Social Networks, Social Tagging. Content Management Systems. Research Information Management System. Research Information Management Tools (IRINS, VIVO).

RPSC Librarian Syllabus 2024 – General Studies of Rajasthan

History, Art, Culture, Literature, and Heritage of Rajasthan

  • Major dynasties of Rajasthan and its rulers through the Ages and their cultural achievements (1000-1800 A.D.).
  • Role of dynasties of Rajasthan in Promotion and Preservation of Sanskrit Education and Literature.
  • Political resistance of Rajput rulers against Muslim Power. Special reference to Rattan Singh, Hammir, Kanhad dev and Maldev, Chandrasen, and Pratap.
  • (i) Bhakti Movement and Sufism in Medieval Rajasthan, Special reference to Mira, Dadu, and Khawaja Moin-ud-din Chishty. Saints: Special emphasis to be paid to teachings of Ramdevji, Gogaji, Tejaji, Pabuji, Mallinath, Dhanna, Pipa, Haridas, Raidas, Jasnath, and other Sects. (ii) Folk gods and goddesses.
  • Political Awakening and Freedom Movement in Rajasthan:1857, Peasant and Tribal Movements, Prajamandal Movements, Contribution of Women in Social and Political Awakening.
  • (i)Folk Culture: Fairs and Festivals, Different Schools of Painting, Folk Tales and Gathas, Folk Songs, Folk Dances, Folk Music and Instruments. (ii) Dress and Ornaments, Handicrafts
  • Rajasthani Language: Origin and Development.
  • Main Dialects and Region.
  • Rajasthani Scripts: Mudia and Devnagari.
  • Famous Writers and their Works.
  • Steps taken for Promotion of Sanskrit language & Education in Rajasthan
    • Sanskrit Academic Institution in Rajasthan
    • Tradition of Sanskrit Panditya- Parampara
    • Sanskrit Granthagar
    • Sanskrit Manuscript Museum.
  • Famous Sanskrit poets, Scholars & their works.
  • Tourism and Rajasthan: Heritage, Tourism Policy and Vision.

Geography of Rajasthan

  • Physiographic regions, Rivers and lakes.
  • Climate, Natural Vegetation, Soil, Minerals and Energy Resources – Renewable and Non-renewable
  • Population-Characteristics, Livestock, Biodiversity and its conservation.
  • Production and Distribution of Major crops, Major Irrigation Projects, Major Industries.
  • Drought and Famines, Desertification, Environmental Problems, Disaster Management and Pandemics.

Political and Administrative System of Rajasthan

  • Governor, Chief Minister, and Council of Ministers.
  • State Legislative Assembly, High Court, and Judicial System of Rajasthan.
  • Rajasthan Public Service Commission, State Election Commission, State Finance Commission, State Human Rights Commission, State Commission for Women, State Information Commission, Lokayukta and Auditor General.
  • Chief Secretary, Government Secretariat, Chief Minister’s Office (CMO), Divisional Commissioner, District Administration, Institutions of Panchayati Raj and Urban Local- Self Government.
  • Government Policies and Right-based Citizenship: Right to Information, Guaranteed Delivery of Public Services, Citizen’s Charters, Social Audit, Jan Soochna Portal, Rajasthan Sampark Portal, etc.

Economy of Rajasthan

  • Characteristics of state economy.
  • Occupational distribution.
  • Compositional trend of state domestic product.
  • Major Sectoral Issues.
    • (i)Agricultural Sector: Characteristics of agricultural sector in Rajasthan. Major rabi and kharif crops with special reference to oil seeds and spices. Irrigated area and trends, Problems of migrant workers and their rehabilitation. Agricultural credit.
    • (ii) Livestock: Trends in livestock population. Milk production in Rajasthan.
    • (iii) Industrial Outlook: Major industries of Rajasthan. Constraints to development of industries. MSMEs in Rajasthan. Roles and problems of small industries. Industrial sickness. Major state public sector enterprises. SEZ in Rajasthan. Role of RIICO and RFC. Agro-processing policy(2020).
    • (iv) Service Sector: Primary education, Development in recent years. Health programmes of state government. Mid-day meal program. Indira Rasoi Yojana.
    • (v) Infrastructure Development: Progress in national highways, state highways and village roads. Power: Progress in power generation. Recent progress in solar power projects.
    • (vi) Handicrafts of Rajasthan.
    • (vii) Major items of exports from Rajasthan.
    • (viii) Latest major welfare schemes of state government with special reference to economically and socially backward classes, disabled people, and old-aged people. Steps taken for women empowerment and child development.
    • (ix) Regional economic inequalities in Rajasthan.

Contemporary Events

  • Major Contemporary Events and Issues of Rajasthan.
  • Persons and Places in News.
  • Sports and Games.

RPSC Sanskrit Department Librarian Syllabus 2024 PDF Download

Paper 1st SyllabusPaper 2nd Syllabus
General Studies of Rajasthan Syllabus

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!!..आपको सफलता मिले..!!

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